2.24 Three Reviews On: Batman v Superman

One on one punch-ups – They’re usually the highlight of an action movie. But DC comics and Warner Bros. took it to the next level. Here’s our review of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

2.17 Michael’s Road Trip Special

Who says Paul and Simon are the only ones who do car trips? It’s a two-way street. Literally. This week, Michael travels down to a recording session with only one passenger – YOU!
If you want updates on married life, undercover police stings, and inception-like metaphors, then this one’s for you.

2.11 Hobart to Campbell Town – Part 1

In an attempt to prove they could do something no one was asking them to do in the first place, Paul and Simon record a podcast from Hobart to Campbell Town. This is the first hour of their ramblings!

Sermon – God and Money – Paul Matthews

Today we launch a new segment which we have creatively titled ‘Occasional Sermon Friday’. The #3VO fellas occasionally preach at local churches, and we have decided to pass the sermons on to you! Today Paul is preaching on the topic of money from Luke 12:13-21. Sit back, crack a cold beverage, and prepare yourself for a wild night!

2.6 Michael’s Podcasting Tips

Ever wanted to hear Michael speak Greek? Ever wanted to start your own podcast and want to avoid the pitfalls of Paul and Simon? This episode is a peer-reviewed critique of Paul and Simon’s special episode. There are lots of lessons to learn – things to do, and things not to do.