Theology Sessions – 1 Peter 5:1-4

Theology Sessions takes a sidetrack with Paul Matthews! Simon interviews Paul for a few minutes, explaining Paul’s most recent sermon. Listen to the full sermon on Biblical Eldership (1 Peter 5:1-4) @

2.28 Bushwalking

There is an activity we call ‘bushwalking’ where we pack up our food, shelter, and clothing into a very compact bundle, strap it to our shoulders and then walk through wilderness until our feet bleed. Some people enjoy it, others not so much. In this episode Paul and Simon discuss the merits of bushwalking.

2.25 Smartphones

Yet another listener’s question answered by Three Views On! Check out this episode to find out why you should be addicted to your smartphone and why the minimalist lifestyle is intriguing but falls short of capturing life’s full potential. (This episode description may or may not have been written without the direct consultation of Paul)

Leave us a comment on the post if you think Paul should find new ways to enrich his marriage using his smartphone!

Sneaky – Dating Q&A

Simon pointed out that we didn’t actually ANSWER THE QUESTION our listener asked us. So we recorded this sneaky episode to specifically answer the question: “As a Christian in a new (and first) relationship, could you guys give your views on Biblical dating (with marriage as the goal)? Maybe with some discussion on age differences, is there a wrong way (ie. the woman older that the guy)? Also is there a time period that would be to soon to get engaged as a Christian? Whatever you guy feel like explaining and is relevant. This would be much appreciated! Thank you!”

Here it goes!

2.18 Dating


Dating philosophy can be a divisive topic. A broad range of worldviews brings a broad range of definitions and confusion often reigns! We were asked – as three guys who’ve successfully navigated the waters of pre-marriage romantic relationships – how to go about a romantic relationship. Here are the answers we gave, whether you like them or not! Let us know what you think about our ideas.

2.17 Michael’s Road Trip Special

Who says Paul and Simon are the only ones who do car trips? It’s a two-way street. Literally. This week, Michael travels down to a recording session with only one passenger – YOU!
If you want updates on married life, undercover police stings, and inception-like metaphors, then this one’s for you.

2.15 Christian Movies


The good, the bad, and the ugly. Why are Christian movies so bad? Should people just not make them? Are they ever effective in the intended audience? Are there even ANY good ones?

Sermon – God and Money – Paul Matthews

Today we launch a new segment which we have creatively titled ‘Occasional Sermon Friday’. The #3VO fellas occasionally preach at local churches, and we have decided to pass the sermons on to you! Today Paul is preaching on the topic of money from Luke 12:13-21. Sit back, crack a cold beverage, and prepare yourself for a wild night!