2.22 Tough/Unanswerable Questions

To figure out once and for all whether Three Views On is able to be a helpful and informative podcast we decided to ask YOU, our listeners, for hard/unanswerable questions to which you would like an answer. Turns out Michael and Simon would make a brilliant trivia team! If you asked a question, then make sure you listen to this episode to find out the answer!

2.15 Christian Movies


The good, the bad, and the ugly. Why are Christian movies so bad? Should people just not make them? Are they ever effective in the intended audience? Are there even ANY good ones?

2.2 Netflix

We’ve all been there. The slow scroll.. “no… no… no…” And then when we say “yes!” we spend the next 57.4 hours letting our brains melt out our ears. Netflix. Stan. Amazon Prime. iTunes. Streaming. Which is best? Hidden gems? Weirdest title? it’s all here on #3VOpodcast